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There is a controversy between people in medical fields and the deaf community and it is caused by Cochlear. Cochlear Implants have had an extreme impact on the Deaf Community and people how are deaf. For the most part it has been positive but there are some negative aspects to this impact as well. There's a controversy between the deaf community and people in the medical fields because people who are deaf can identify as being deaf and are comfortable with being deaf with are deaf. Those people do not want medical implants because they are comfortable with being in the deaf community. Because we live in a world that strongly requires hearing people who are deaf consider themselves as part of one community. People in medical Fields want to help and feel as if they are helping those in the deaf community by giving them Cochlear implants or other such hearing aids but those in the deaf community don't necessarily want medical treatment. That is why there is a bit of controversy between the deaf community and those in the medical field.


As mentioned in the Intro to the Deaf Community, there is a similar controversy or at least split in the deaf community due to Cochlear Implants. There are some people who want to be able to hear using cochlear implants but then there are those who identify as deaf, and are slightly offended that people would try to "fix" them with cochlear implants. These are the two different parts of the deaf community. There is the lowercase "d" deaf people and the capital "D" Deaf people. Lowercase "d" deaf people are people who are apart of the community but have cochlear implants or are interpreters and capital "D" Deaf people are those who identify fully as deaf and don't think they need to be cured. They believe they are like this for a reason and they want to say that way.

Impact of Cochlear Implants

© 2017 by Alexander Tristano

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